Happy New Year!
I figured that if I was making goal lists for my personal and professional development, I really needed to create a list for my dance development.
1. Be better about practicing at home or outside of class.
For the most part, I practice choreography at home and once in a while I use a DVD. But since I've been mainly focusing on weight loss, I've put the dance DVD's on hold. Though, really, I should do my workouts and then do some work with the DVD's. To get me more motivated, I think I will write in my datebook at the beginning of the week about some things I want to work on.
2. Save enough money to attend all the workshops I want to attend this year.
Gosh. There's Shimmies in March, Yousry Sharif in March, Faten Salema in April, Mohammed Shahin in May, Katia's Retreat in July, and MassRaqs and September. So far. And that's not even counting classes with Amira Jamal and Najmat. Nor is it counting any other events that might come up throughout the year. Unfortunately, this is really contingent on me getting a job.
3. Technique: Work on my spins and my shimmies.
I'm not really the best spinner. I don't get too many opportunities to practice that at home, what with the kitties. But, I know I really need to work on that. My shimmies in general always feel messy. I need to work on being able to have more control over my shimmy.
4. Props: Work on fan veil and Isis wings.
Okay, first I should probably own a pair of Isis wings. But I would really like to work more with these props so that I can feel more comfortable using them and performing with them. I've had this idea of using the fan veil in a fusion piece with traditional Filipino dance. But I feel like I need to work some more on my fan veil technique before really being able to combine the two dances.
5. Buy a new costume before the year is over, and take 2 dresses to Shadia to turn into dance costumes.
I really only have several costumes in my closet. I would really like to continue adding to my arsenal of costumes. It makes me feel like I'm able to do more performing if I'm able to show up in different pieces. Don't ask me how that is in any way logical.
All in all, I feel like this is going to be an extremely exciting year in general. I feel like all kinds of new things are going to happen and I will really grow in my skills as a performer. So, here's to a sparkly and shimmy-fabulous 2011!

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