As I've been taking classes with Amira Jamal since I moved to Boston, I've been able to learn from many dancers who I consider masters. Recently, one of Amira's students who's moved on to teaching her own classes and producing instructional DVD's, came back to class to share some of her knowledge.
Nadira Jamal gave two workshops during our scheduled classes on Monday, one on March 22nd and the second on April 5th. She, with her wicked smaht engineering brain, has taken the frightening idea of improvisation and breaks it down into workable bits.
Her video series, Improvisation Tooklit, is a great guide for anyone who feels nervous about getting on the dance floor without a set and choreographed routine. Though there currently two DVD's, she's working on completing the set of 5 to make master improvisers in all of us dancers.
The workshops she brought to us were a shortened version of the two DVD's. I must admit that I was a bit nervous! Though we've done quite a bit of improvisation in Amira Jama's classes (just putting on music and moving on the dance floor), I was worried that I might not be able to hold on to what she taught us.
But she started right away with building up our confidence and dance self-esteem. She reminded us that we should not only have fun and enjoy the dance, but that we also have the ability to remember specific moves if we are having fun. And, even if we can only remember 3 or 4 moves, there are so many bits one can add to the dance (like level changes, moving around the floor, angles, arm movements, timing, etc.), that even the same movements can have a different effect.
I was excited to be part of these workshops. Though I'm not a professional like many of my classmates or like Nadira, I can at least fake it til I make it.
I now feel much more comfortable with improvisation, though I'm sure I'll always be a little bit nervous about performing. Also, I feel like this comfortability with improvisation would greatly aid in choreographing, as one can take the moves from improvising and reuse them.
I took lessons with Nadira in the past - and enjoyed her improv breakdown - so much of what I learned from her carries over to my performances! :)